Reducing the burden of women's cancers in Rwanda

Welcome to WCRF

We are a non-profit organization based in Kigali, Rwanda, with a mission to contribute to the reduction of women’s cancers burden in Rwanda through public awareness, prevention, early detection, and supportive palliative care towards women at high risk, cancer survivors and their families. 

Community awareness

We create community awareness for breast cancer early detection and cervical cancer screening throughout different canals including TV talk shows, radio airing, journals, community works (umuganda and different media channels)

Palliative care

Our beneficiaries have access to comprehensive and supportive palliative care, in collaboration with the Ministry of Health, Rwanda Biomedical Center, public and private health facilities.

Economic empowerment

We empower women cancer survivors towards income generating micro-projects by giving them start up capital and business coaching.

Ongoing activities and projects


WCRF enrolls women cancer survivors (mainly breast and cervical cancer) on an on-going basis. We now have 6 supportive palliative care groups operating across the country, with 150 beneficiaries.

Emotional Support

The Foundation provides emotional support to survivors, advocacy for breast prosthesis bras and compression sleeves due to lymphoedema.

Financial Support

WCRF provides to poor survivors the transport fees to respond to the hospital appointment, especially at Butaro Hospital Cancer Center of Excellence for chemotherapy.

Health Education

WCRF provides health educational sessions on how to cope with cancer as a disease, prevention key information and messages to help sensitize their peers for breast cancer early detection and cervical cancer screening.

Join a support group today

If you are a cancer survivor, we encourage you to join our existing support groups. In case there is no group in your area, contact us so that we can help you start one. 

+(250) 788-403-594

Contact us


KN 5 Rd
Kanombe, Kigali City, Rwanda


+(250) 788 403 594


We could use some help

If you would like to support our work, please contact us